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Hello all my lovely Patreons!

I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the spoopy month of October? Did you go out and do some trick or treating? Did you fill your bags with candy? or just your diapers like normal? ^_^

It's November! and this year is quickly running out of days!!! We better get some more diaper art done quick, or it will be Christmas before we know it!

If you are on a Patreon Tier that includes an art reward, please send me your requests before the 10th of the month so that I have plenty of time to get them done for you. There is no theme this month, so give me your best, and naughtiest suggestion ^_^

I will be posting about the fan art requests in a seperate message, but please remember, if a character was drawn last month, it will not be eligable to be drawn again this month. I am trying to make it a bit easier for everyone to have a suggestion picked.

Have a great day!

Berri x


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