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Hi everyone!

It's the 1st of August and it is now time for all of you on the $30+ tiers to send me your image requests for this month!

If you would like a theme for this month I would like to suggest Knights & Princesses! Perhaps you have a princess in mind who deserves some thick padding? or maybe a up and coming knight looking to rescue a princess from a depraved sorcerer, bent on diapering the kingdom!

As always my themes are a suggestion and you can request whatever you like ^_^

Please make sure to get your requests to be by the 15th at the latest, so that I have enough time to get them all done.



I have been trying to decide what to do with my stream for a while now. On average I get between 2-4 people watching me each time, and although I appreciate those who attend, the numbers really don't ecourage me to keep doing it. To be honest each Tuesday and Thursday I find it a real struggle to motivate myself to stream, and usually I only do an hour or so at most. At one time I had 15-20+ people watching and that spurred me to do more.

It's probably due to the time I am able to stream not being compaible with you in the US and other countries, but it doesnt feel like many of you actually want to watch me draw. 

So, I have decided that I am going to drop streaming during the week for now, and instead make the requests stream on the last sunday of the month longer. That way I can do more rewards and not feel fatigued from doing the ones during the week.

What does this mean for the work I produce? 

Absolutely nothing will change. You will still get all the same top quality art you normally would, and those of you on the $10+ tiers will have a better chance of getting a free request each month! 

I hope those of you who enjoy my streams are not too disappointed. It's not the end of streaming, and when/if I ever reach my goal of going fulltime I will quickly bring them back.

If anyone has any worries or concerns, please let me know.

Thanks for your continued support!

Berri x


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