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YO! I got swept away with working on stuff last month that I had forgot to do a sketchbook update post!! so this one is a bit bigger than usual!!

ALSO- Instead of their being an omega in depth of my sketches and doodles here, I want to mention that you can use this post as a sketch suggestion thread for some stuff you'd like to see me draw this month!

Coming out of last month I've lost a bit of the wind in my sails and haven't really known what to draw again so feel free to drop some ideas / prompts below and I'll see what I can do about scribbling some of them out!

Thank you for your support as always!! smell ya later 8-)




LOVE these sketches dude! Especially the two Marcys in the bottom left on the first page, the spicy Liz, the blond maid Liz, and the classic monster doodles and ideas! As for sketch ideas, I liked Shawn’s crossover idea, so how about Liz and Miss Feratu walking down an aisle at the grocery store arguing about something stupid


Always inspirational! Every time you post I start doodlin ⭐️⭐️ After that Liz and Tevee driving pic I’d love to see some machinery or vehicles in your style, your machinedramon drawing is one I revisit often and I think you’d make some cool cars or industrial stuff!


Put the cast in different professional attires. Like Flight Attendant Marcy or Masseuse Thenia.


Maybe some figure drawing practice? This is the site I use: https://line-of-action.com/ On the SFW side of things, maybe some micro-comics/comic strips? Nothing story heavy, but just shenanigans the characters get into. On the NSFW side, Hypnovember is a thing. Maybe not a month of prompts, but some themed stuff? IDK. Good luck!


o shoot Hypnovember is a thing??? the naming on that one is really good tbf hahah Thanks for the ideas!