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Some sketchbook stuff mainly from January that I forgot to upload as well as a few pages from the start of this month.

I’ve been toying around with the idea of a one shot comic so much lately and I’m jumping and developing between 3 ideas right now which is probably a bit of a bad idea. BUT 2 of these ideas focus around Liz, Marcy, Edwin and the gang and the other would focus on Bob and Poppy. So this will be worthwhile development even if I don’t immediately make comics with those groups since I’m brainstorming some more ideas for them.

The 3rd idea I’m working on is still based on that weird ‘Screamoid Clown’ pic I did a while back. This is the most likely candidate for a one-shot comic right now as I’m willing to just dive into it and get messy and get things wrong to learn from it haha.

I wanna save the other OC groups for when I feel ready I guess haha I dunno


  • Main character for ‘Screamoid Clown’ he’s probably called Peter and I think he might be some sort of wannabe Clown
  • Muscles n stuff, an Edwin, a Peter and some sort of AoT emblem thingy
  • Managed to draw a cool new hunched over character. I’ve always struggled getting that sorta posture right with characters but I like how I got it to look here.
  • A few concepts for a giant Tevee form here. Was thinking it’d be cool if the creature residing in his TV head would fall out and grow in size but ended up disliking the idea
  • Lots o random scrappy doodles here. Main attraction here is Poppy selling a comic
  • Concepts for Edwin’s monster form here and how it may come about

Hopefully those thoughts are concise enough lmao ENJOY



Alex Ahad

ohoh ! thesde are fun studies to see! Love the energy in your line quality! Plus, is that an Admirable Octavia I seeeeeeeee :0 !