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I think I've shared one of these pages before BUT there are some character designs for a (currently) hypothetical card game.

I've always really enjoyed battling card games so I had inspiration late last year to attempt to make one. I've started at a place where I know I can do good work which is the art but I'll prooobably trip and fail when it gets to try to figure out some cool system to use haha

BUT nonetheless I'm enjoying making up these designs for now! Fingers crossed more comes from them :' D





Damn okay these are some cool as hell designs. Definitely bdsm influence with the gimpling and binder character designs, but I like how the monsters seem a bit DOOM-esque as well. Like hellish demons meets leather n latex. And yeah, making up power and balancing systems can be a real pain in the neck. But even if the hypothetical card game doesn't end up a reality, you could always use these designs for other stuff...maybe your comic?


Found Satmons beefy cousin.


some fun demon designs


These look fun!