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It’s been a little bit since I last made a sketchbook n doodle post!!

These bits are from November/ October time. Think I’ve done a lot more doodling on CSP so I’ll have to hunt those scribbles down for a pic pack / post in the

Apologies for the slow progress on art and stuff in general. Annoyingly I really have not found the drive for art again lately so I do apologise for that. Perhaps it’s a bit of burnout but I’m never truly sure haha. I hope you can be patient with me while I try work on some stuff that’s to come!!

Thanks for da support as always!




Take your time man. I think your art is so cool and I love everytime that you post something. However you have to feel good about what you do and yourself! So, take your time, we will be here 🤗 (sorry if I being too intense xD, but I live with an artist and I know that there are periods that can be tough for you)