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Marcy has wandered into some spookin territory and encountered some bootleg Satmons and got herself caught- what an absolute fool 😔

I’m gonna try and use this piece to experiment on a style that I could use for bigger comics in the future. So I’ll be mainly practising with line art and tones with it.

I wanna try and fill up the space around Marcy with more of these lil bootleg Satmon-looking guys. Any funny thoughts of what I could draw some of them doing? I want them all to look like they’re doing a terrible job of whatever it is they’re doing here haha

If you got any suggestions for this piece lemme know :^)




Oh! If you ever played any of the raving rabids games you can try drawing them with lil cute accessories! Like a pirate hat shooting a canon, a suit or bowler hat reading a news paper upside down, overalls or farmers hat riding a sheep Here’s an example: http://images.nintendolife.com/7efa9b5382ee9/raving-rabbids-travel-in-time-cover.cover_large.jpg https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61caRYtY7oL._AC_SY445_.jpg


Could have a couple of em arguing while clumsily cutting letters for a ransom note!


OHHH Thats good thinking!! I’ll give some of them some goofy accessories hahaha