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I wanted to give you all an update with my plans for next month and some upcoming stuff and how it will affect what's some things on my Patreon.

Firstly, I will changing from my laptop to a new PC which may affect me doing digital art. This is because my current desk isn't super big and cant fit a keyboard, monitor and a graphics tablet on it at once. I'll do my best to get that all sorted ASAP.

As some of you know, next month is inktober where some artists choose to do the challenge of doing an ink piece every day of the month following a prompt list and I like to attempt the challenge every year. It gives me a chance to explore styles and draw things I wouldn't usually think of drawing - it's a fun challenge for me!

Because I will be busy mainly doing  inktober pieces each day, I wont have a lot of time to draw too much else during the month so here are a few small changes to note just for next month :

  • The monthly Fanart Poll will be put on hold for October
  • The monthly sketch pack may have slightly less content but I will try and upload some rough / unused sketches for my inktober ideas!
  • The monthly OC Poll may also be put on hold for October
  • I will try and make up for the lack of monthly polls with other shorter polls deciding on some inktober piece ideas!

I hope these changes seem fair just for next month. After October I will resume to the usual schedule and content

I will try and draw as many cute girls and creepy things as always but if you'd rather unpledge and return in November -  I understand completely!

If you have any questions about whats going on please feel free to ask!

Thanks for your support as always and I'll do my best during Inktober B^)


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