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I just sent September rewards. If you were part of the cycle (ie you were charged in October), you should have received a message with the rewards link. The rewards are also uploaded on Gumroad for those who missed it, check it out if you are interested!

Gumroad link: https://sendrawz.gumroad.com/l/eirclw


Text summary in case image is hard to read/won't load:

  • November 27 (Today): September Rewards Done
  • Nov. 28—29: October Suggestions
  • Nov. 30—Dec. 1: October Poll
  • Dec 8: October Rewards Done
  • Dec.9—10: November Suggestions
  • Dec.11—12: November Poll
  • December 22: Emerald Dawn version 1.1
  • December 29: November Rewards Done


Schedule changed once again, Quick Fics is gone from the calendar. I'm putting it on least priority because I want to focus on 2 more important things for 2023:

  • 1. Catch up on Patreon Rewards

I want to finish both October + November rewards before 2023 ends. If I manage to do that, I will only be working on 1 rewards set per month which is the ideal set up going forward. That will open up my schedule by a lot so that I could work on other projects (like Quick Fics, some small game ideas, maybe doujinshis, etc etc)

  • 2. Update Emerald Dawn

These are my goals for Emerald Dawn Version 1.1, in order of importance:

  • Improve art consistency
  • Add a gallery/extras screen
  • Very light edits to the script

Part of the reason I put off updating it for so long is that I don't have a very consistent art style. You can see this in Emerald Dawn's art itself but also in my Rhea pieces in general. I did some early redraws back in June-July but I was demotivated by my own inconsistency.

Lately though, I feel like I'm getting closer to solidifying my "art style" (the grind hasn't been for nothing yay!) and I can't wait to start the redrawing process. Excited to see how it would all turn out. Actually if you look at the September rewards, I redrew/fixed the Rhea meditation pic and that's kind of what I'm going for, I think it's an overall improvement.

Currently, there are 23 unique CGs (29 including the Credits sequence) I want to go through all of them plus fix some sprites. That's quite a lot to go through in only 3 weeks but it's mostly fixing stuff so it's not an impossible task, which is a good thing because I want to add more CGs lol :P

Unfortunately, this means I wouldn't be able to add the new scenario called Dance of Life. The good news is I can always add it later. After I'm done with the update, I'll try to make a schedule for Dance of Life. I'm not very good at scheduling and deadlines as you might already know, but hey gotta fake it till you make it ^^

That's all I got for now. Thank you all for your support and let's start the October Suggestions soon!

Edit: October Suggestions page is now OPEN: https://www.patreon.com/posts/october-open-93625911?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link 



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