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  • July Rewards Sent (Available on Gumroad)
  • November Calendar
  • Quick Fics Delay & adjusted Release Date

July Rewards Sent

I sent July rewards the other day. As always, you should have received a message with a link to the rewards if you paid for that period (ie you were charged in August)

The reward is also available on Gumroad for those who missed it:


November Calendar

NOTE: There is no August content cycle because I paused my Patreon for that period.

In case the image doesn't load, here's the summary:

  • November 6-10 - September Suggestions & Poll Period
  • November 14 - Quick Fics Release Date
  • November 20 - September Rewards
  • November 21-24 - October Suggestions & Poll Period
  • November 30 - October Rewards

Quick Fics Delay & adjusted Release Date

So October didn't go as planned. I'm really sorry about the delays and for those who were looking forward to Quick Fics. I just needed a little more time to cook ^^;

To cut a long story short, I pushed myself too hard and I got really sick and had to take a week off to rest (and spend time with family) The stress really got to me. I guess I set my deadlines expecting that everyday would be a 100% day, which was impossibly optimistic.

This may sound weird, but I don't mind that I got sick. The way I see it, I needed some sort of shock to my system. Just anything to force change because oh my god my unproductive/lazy days has gotten out of control lately. I guess I went overboard but at least I know my limits.

I still wanna keep posting public deadlines because it really does work - I am becoming more productive and I'm getting a little less distracted. It's not magic that works 100% all the time and it really sucks whenever I miss my deadlines. Even so, I wanna keep doing it because I know that it's a process and I just need to keep practicing and fine-tuning. I know that if I just stick to it, I'll get better at meeting my deadlines and meet my own goals.

So that's that. Again, apologies for the delays but the show must go on!

Here's a quick preview of Quick Fics so far. The release date is on the 14th (next week Tuesday)

The deadline seems tight once again, but I've worked on this enough. I don't wanna give myself more time than necessary because I could end up overthinking and redoing stuff.

I'm quite happy with the script, I definitely got my quick fix from this ^^ All that's left to do is finish all the art!


Lastly, I'll open September character suggestions soon (note that there is no August content cycle because I paused that period)

Edit: September Character suggestions now open: https://www.patreon.com/posts/september-open-92404207?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link 

I think that's all I got for now. Thanks again for all your support! ^^




Glad to hear you're feeling better dude. At least with the schedules, it's as you said about getting to know your limits. I trust it'll go well for you! Besides that, the preview already looks *amazing* 👍👍


Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Da Vinci. It is lovely work.