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Drew Loki from FE Heroes cause I was in the mood for hot, bad girls. I feel like she's underused in FEH, but that's probably my bias speaking lol It's her summer outfit but I couldn't be bothered to draw the rest of her outfit, gomenasai!

But man, finishing 2022 rewards is such a load off my shoulders. I felt guilty for not finishing it sooner but I kept getting distracted with other stuff and the guilt kept building up. I'm not complaining by the way, I'm just stating facts and I'm well aware that I reap what I sow. I guess I just wanted to put it out there.

Anyway, we're already halfway through 2023 and I'm so behind on a lot of my internal plans. But! There's half of the year left and I believe that's plenty of time to accomplish my goals, or at least some of them!

Here's a quick, short list of my personal goals this year:

1. Emerald Dawn Godot port, including a gallery and a few animations
2. Emerald Dawn: Dance of Life (working title)
3. A short(3-4hrs) Ero Kinetic VN

If I can manage to do #1 this year, I'm good. I don't want to end 2023 without releasing a personal project, even if it's just polishing Emerald Dawn. To be fair though, I'm making my own VN engine in Godot so that really complicates things. The reason I'm "reinventing the wheel" is I'm starting to fight Ren'py when it comes to presentation, UI, and animations.

Making my own VN Engine presents a lot of problems though, would you believe that? For instance, I didn't realize how complex it is to make a save system for a VN engine. I want my system to be modular but I'm having a hard time developing a game loop and structure to do enable that. I feel like the solution is out of reach for my level of programming.

I'm rambling.

Anyway, for now, I just want to draw. I'll probably go through my barracks in FEH and draw the characters I find hot. Of course I'll draw more Rhea and Wiz, but I feel like I need to give my 200% whenever I draw them. Right now I just wanna draw without too much pressure.

BTW, March 2023 poll is ongoing HERE. Check it out if you're interested in the polls!

Okay, this is long enough haha That's all for now!




Love Loki~! I'm sure she'll get her chance to shine again, she's been setting up stuff in the background for last couple chapters ! ^.^


There's some highly anticipated games coming out this year and next but your projects are also some of my most awaited stuff too. I can't wait! Thank you for drawing Loki as well, she could always use some more love 😭👍


Happy to hear that! I do my projects mostly for myself (because having external expectations takes me out of my element) BUT STILL, knowing someone is looking forward to my stuff is such a nice boost. Appreciate it man! ^^