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"A spanner in the works" - This probably best describes the situation with the planned launch of my 2nd Patreon this weekend.

All of the first animation rewards are ready, as are all of the promotional assets but I've hit a stumbling block with the way that Patreon's 'per creation' billing model works. 

The details...

The short version - I'm going to change to upfront billing / monthly billing for Va Va Womb - the same way it works for Bun in the Oven. Unfortunately as Patreon Support doesn't work weekends, I'm waiting on a response so I think realistically if you want to join my new Patreon then I'd ask you to wait until next weekend.

The Long version - When choosing to go with the 'per creation' billing model I made some incorrect assumptions that it worked in a similar way to how upfront billing works for monthly pledges but the reality Patreon treat it as a legacy model and it's pretty much stuck back in the way Patreon worked in 2018.

The way it is set up presents me with too many risks as a creator and over complicates running a 2nd Patreon.

The appeal to 'per creation' was that I wasn't bound to creating art/animation to a schedule. I also knew that I probably couldn't run two Patreons, a full time job and family responsibilities all at once.

Unfortunately this looks like exactly what I will need to do. So I'm going to have to figure out what is realistically achievable per month while also remember not to burnout or further aggravate my shoulder issues.

This doesn't mean I'm going to take making my art any less serious than before. It's a major priority to me and makes me happy too.

Also I've not mentioned it before but from September 2022 I reduced my day job to 4 days a week (20% pay cut) so that I can be spending more time making art and earning from it to make up that short fall.

Back to work on this month's Octomomma art rewards for me! They should be out next weekend all being well.


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