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So what’s coming up in October?


Va-Va-Womb, my 2nd Patreon will be launching during the second half of the month.

Rather than it being a monthly subscription fee, Va-Va-Womb will be payment per creation.

Patrons will only be charged when a reward is released which I expect to be every 5 to 8 weeks.

Va-Va-Womb is going to differ from the Bun in the Oven Patreon in that the Va-Va-Womb is going to mostly animation.

It’s going to be both more graphic too - both in art style and explicit levels. It also going to have some more fantastical themes - so a little less real world.

I’ve yet to finalise the price per creation though I think it’s most likely to be $9 USD based on the numbers of patrons it’s likely to have and the time, effort and software costs.

I’ve know some patrons have been very keen to start pledging for the new Patreon but I’d like to ask you to wait until it’s launched and a price is finalised.

I’m very excited for Va-Va-Womb and have the first two years of content mapped out.

Bun in the Oven

So it’s October so it must be a month with an Octomomma reward!

Octavia Octomomma will be back for a new art reward and a story written by Notabot.

I’ll be asking for rewind reward choices on 5th October.

MF Sketchbook 18 will also be out for patrons on ‘+ MF Sketchbook’ tiers on 6th October.


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