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 One of most frequent questions I receive is “Are you available for commissions?”

Typically my answer is that I’m focusing on Patreon so I have very limited or sometimes no availability for commissions. I don’t like to disappoint people who are so supportive of my work and it’s not an answer I like giving. 

I’ve recently had a think about this and I’ve decided to trial a new tier that is both a commission and a reward.

From February 2020, one of the two monthly pregnant art rewards will be open as a commission.

The tier is limited to a single patron per month and will probably be priced at $100.

The art from the commission will be shared as a patrons-only monthly reward. The art style will be the same as the current rewards. There would also be the usual - clothed, nude and other variants of the art. I will also do a short animation too.

The reward art can be of your own OC and chosen themes. There maybe some limitations placed on the use of real life people and existing IP - this can be discussed in advance of taking up the tier.

In the event that there is no patron on the tier during a particular month then I will choose the theme of the monthly rewards or if a poll is running then it will be decided that way.

Ideally signing up to the tier should happen with the first week of a month to give me enough time to research and create the art. If it’s towards the end of the month then the art may appear in the subsequent month.

I don’t have an issue with the same patron having consecutive months on the reward tier but I would like to give as many patrons the opportunity to choose the new tier.

As I say I’m seeing this as a trial tier and launching in February so I’m keen before then to get your thoughts. Please comment on this post or send me a message. Thanks!


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