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Hey guys, how's it going? i'm not really good to be honest, feeling pretty weak these past weeks, for my defenses and condition plus the cold weather here (winter is here), nothing serious, i just need to stay safe and try to don't get sick, anyways, i schedueled some pics i got saved with a few new ones for future content (i couln't work much on much stuff ).

so, i just wanted to keep you guys notified about everything. Thanks for everyone who messaged me these days, i didn't reply cuz i want to take my time to answer every message at the same time. Anyways, thank you so much for another month of support, i hope you like the upcoming content and well, i just want to feel better to be more active here and twitter.

thanks for you time, guys! see you later! 



Stay well, man; health above anything. Glad you're alive.


Estate bien abrigado y cuídate bro. Como siempre, la salud es lo primero 👍🏻 Siempre es bueno escuchar noticias de ti


Hey Parv. Good luck on your recovery. Thanks for the new art!