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Yup, this is want i want to share , plz check closely these pics cuz you'll have to choose between them!

how it'll work all this versus? Basicly i select some franchise and groups for a Versus Poll

This first four chicks are just representing the current group or franchise, in this case here are Katarina Du Couteau (League of Legends), Dexter Mom (Toon moms), Samus Aran (NintendoGirls) and Widowmaker (Overwatch) . 

Which character will be on the winner group?

League of Legends : -Katarina, Sona, Akali and Ahri.

Toon Moms: Dexter Mom, Maddie Fenton, Helen Parr and Judy Neutron

NGirls: Samus, Palutena, Daisy and Peach

Overwatch: Widowmaker, D.va, Mercy and Tracer

I'll do a public poll on friday so you can share with your friends and helps you to choose your favourite .

if you want to suggest some other character for the rosters feel free to leave your suggestion on comments, which character you'll add? and wich remove? 

see you later guys!




Suena genial esta idea! Todos los grupos tienen un roster fantástico. La única recomendación que haría seria para el grupo de OW poner a Ashe en lugar de Tracer, ya que por lo menos yo considero esta es mucho más popular ahora que Tracer y más para cosas NSFW. Sera una poll muy interesante y lo más intrigante es que harás con las ganadoras 🤔


Toon Moms will win everyone of my votes!