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Well then, I hope this lives up to the hype - I was planning to add more narrative but I think It stands on it own, and it'd be a good idea to do that *after* some rest - I am utterly fried after throwing 70 hours at this story this week. AND check the attachments - I'm so mad i cant mix in gifs or animation with the storyboard..

 (old timey radio voice)   Tune in tomorrow for next months poll, coming soon for another *Tales of intrigue* 

Added Birth Scenes on attachments




well one of those things is on the prowl with a sleeping woman in the next room, and then a sorority full of college girls - and then? I will be bringing it back around for a story choice in a few months., but i need a break from this one for a bit first!


would it be possible to get a PDF version of all 4 parts?


I'll take a look - I'm not very tech savvy outside my area of expertise. I can certainly put the archived gallery into a zip file and host it. I'll put PDF on the todo list.


Any chance on getting more intimate shots of the birthing scene? I know you mentioned in your post on the 13th that you would try and include those as added attachments in the future. If those are what the animated attachments included are, my bad - am posting on mobile and haven’t seen them yet.


They do exist, - and i'm trying to figure out how to distinguish them from the animations i've already attached here. Hmm..


Another great series. As I was going through the sets, I figured Jenna could go overboard and overuse a new "pink" toy, but the ending has so many other possibilities. :3