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Oh wow , I've been so busy lately I almost completely forgot about this,

Loooook. It's animated and stuff.

I'm still not happy with using the stone age animating tools in daz3d, which usually end up more trouble then they're worth - but this turned out fairly well considering the complete lack of motion capture features.




I love the gifs. Would love to see more down the road.


The problem is that animating in daz causes me physical pain on account of how clunky and basic the tools are. This took the full day to pose sequentially and overnight to burn the renders, it's a big and exhausting timesink to be doing frequently sadly. But I will be making them whenever I get enough time and willpower to spare


Totally understandable. Thanks for sharing this!


Oh man, that transistion from an inny to an outy... *pacha emot* Its amazing!


OMG! This is freaking amazing!!! Would love to see more water inflation like this!! Wow!