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I'm going to take an educated guess and safely assume that everyone here likes to see big round pregnant bellies getting bigger. But what happens when that poor woman eventually pops? 

Not that anyone mentioned it, but it's my experience that a significant number of people who find pregnancy and expansion a turn on as a kink don't feel that same way about the inevitable outcome - aka labor and birth. You're either into it as a part of the pregnancy kink, neutral, or worst case, find it gross and a turn off. As an artist it's difficult to interpret all three and accommodate but I think I have a good way to handle it..

From now on, in scenes with labor and birth I'll try and keep the shots tasteful, being sure not to put the camera "at the coalface" so to speak, so as not to spoil the enjoyment if you're squeamish. 

For the rest of you degenerates there will be an Attachement file on these posts, with the same scene(s) but shown from a different perspective. I think that should keep everyone happy! You wont be missing any content if you skip the attachment - It simply will be the same scene from a rather more intimate angle. I'll try and mark the relevant scenes with an A for Attached images




I neutral in that regard, but it depends how is done 😅😂


Personal opinion, I think it's a kink to see someone pop for different reasons. I'm not fond of explicitly showing the delivery, but there is definitely something about the helpless apprehension as that inevitable outcome creeps up on them - of all the kinks we're covering, I thought I'd give people the option if it's a specifically important kink for them, and I know people who are seriously squicked out by it, even though it's a natural part of pregnancy - or sometimes supernatural, or magical, or.. hmm, nevermind.


I second the statements already given here. Not a birth fan but you handled things in this series in a very clean and tasteful way <3


I enjoy birth as part of pregnancy, and I can understand that its not everyone's thing but I do agree that its done well here