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Here's the finished version! Honestly I almost forgot how much fun it is to draw these Gyaru girls lol.

As stated in the previous post, the NSFW version will be out likely tomorrow! AND I'll be trying out doing a follow up pinup for the 10$ tiers too! Hopefully I can implement this regularly going forwards! I'll try to implement a 10$ tier voting system for the pinups too in the future, but we'll have to see how things go for now!

I'm still recovering from my illness (my sleep has been all over the place so it's affecting my recovery lol) so I'll try to do said voting thing on the NEXT pic with the goat girl hehe.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and understanding! You're all a godsend during this fever haha.




Praise be the Eldar return.. it's what hooked me first! God speed you beautiful artist

Crane's Shadow

I love it! Very silly, but with a cheesecake element as the silliness trigger. Reminds me of Tex Avery's work in that regard. Also, inter factional interactions are fun.