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Hey everyone, 

Just wanted to give a quick heads up. I recently made an emergency flight back to my hometown. My grandmother has been admitted into the hospital. She is very old and unfortunately it's not looking good.

Needless to say I'm distraught and constantly worried. I've been trying to keep things upbeat for the past week, but after the initial shock and numbness the gravity of things are finally settling in on me. Things have been hectic and I've had to jump hoops everyday due to Covid protocols to be able to see her. 

I'm making a quick announcement to let you all know that, while I'm not taking a hiatus or break (drawing is helping me cope and keep my mind off things when I can't see or visit her), I just currently don't really have my heart in the right place. If it leads to a temporary slowdown in output I apologize, but I promise things will pick up again.

My grandparents mean a lot to me. And I want to thank you all for your continued support. I know I always put this in every post, but without your support I wouldn't be able to fly back due to both time restraint and the flight fares. My hometown is a small island, and flights are few and far between, and expensive.

As always, more content soon to come and again thank you all for your support and understanding.


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