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Raine is a character I created back in 2012 based on Midna from Twilight Princess. As much as I really liked how the character turned out I sadly never really did much with her! After drawing this though I kinda wish I did. But once I turned away from my previous name I kinda did the same for all of my old characters.

I recently sold this character to  20ShadowFlame17 and part of the deal was I would draw her one last time before she's no longer mine.

I chose to redo one of my original images of her with my current art style as sort of a "draw this again" comparison and you can find the original 2013 image HERE.

Sad to see her go but maybe someday I will be able to draw her again :)

Character and commission is for  20ShadowFlame17




Excellent work on the glowy markings! Lovely dragon. Excellent artwork!