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Hi all, Patreon messages are broken atm for creators and won't load the full message/give me the option to reply. A few have messaged saying they were double charged for October. It seems this has been a Patreon site-wise issue for a portion of users. If you were double charged for October, please keep track of Patreon's support Twitter and their status site (https://status.patreon.com/incidents/dts85s3jm0f6?u=v7gqggr7fmn6), as Patreon's manager list has only shown one charge for October for the few users that have messaged me in regards to this and there's nothing I can do atm as the site is broken :/



I hear OF doesn't have that issue 🤔🤔🤔


Nope all good on my end! Though I certainly wouldn't mind paying more because I love the content that much. <3


Has probably something to do with patreon not accepting SEPA mandates for new subscriptions but alledgedly would keep it for those that are already paid that way, is my guess. Lost my sub for a couple of days because they couldn't charge me for this month at all.


Hey Sneaky, no problem, atleast from my side. Actually its pretty nice to hear something from you again, even if its just about this 😅 would love to hear some updates or just a preview or some video clips or something from you from time to time. Even once a month would be enough :) hope your fine :)


y'all check out my suggestion in the community tab and say what you think. please and thank you 🙏


No updates or posts or anything at all about octs set??