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(Copied and pasted from my Discord server, aren't you on my server yet? Here's an invite link! https://discord.gg/Bnf8Rku )

Hello guys, I hope you're having a good month so far. I've got some news I must inform you.

PrimeLeap hardware update:

Due to the recent technical difficulties, PrimeLeap will go offline from Dec 25 to Dec 31 for maintenance reasons. If you have pledged to my Patreon this month, content will be available for you during December and January. Roles won't be revoked during January. Again I'm very sorry for this inconvenience, I know most of you are here for the content and I understand.

Moving on January:

As some of you may already know, I will take January off since I will be moving to my own place. This means you won't be charged on Patreon during this month so there is no need to update your Patreon pledge during that time. Chances are I might be able to work on commissions, but I really need a rest.

Has been a good year, made lots of animated stuff and I'm very happy I managed to do that. Expect even more in 2022. I hope you have good holidays and a happy new year. 


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