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Imma try to keep this short - DILFTOWN will not be fridged BUT I can't directly post any future art of it here or on my main Twitter either, at least anything with inc*st content. (Same goes for any fan art btw.) With that established, I've excised all DILFTOWN content to another Twitter account, which I obviously can't link here but I'm sure you can easily find, so the offending kink will not be directly connected to or more specifically originating from main.

Aside from that, I really recommend joining my Discord for DILFTOWN updates as I would not be risking linking anything related to it on this site aside from posting character refs and any related content that are within the guidelines. That's all, and now back to our regular programming. XD



Oï, how did you find it ? I haven't used Discord in ten years... EDIT : oh I did it ! It's actually in the Patreon settings !


What’s your username on discord ? Sorry even tho I’ve been filling you for a while I just found out about discord. Thank you 😊


I found it sorry to bother you 😁


You could connect your Discord in the settings somewhere so you are automatically added when you become somebody's patron. Also, there should be a Discord button on my page you can click to join if ever. Not sure if it's visible on the mobile app though.