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Update - Just fixed and edited a few things like of the size and thickness of the text and balloons to be a bit more consistent (since panel 1 was done much earlier than the rest). Also, removed that previous thought bubble of Johnny saying "Hot son!" in the top left of panel 2 since it disrupts the intended flow of the dialogue between the first 2 panels. It was just a last-minute addition anyway to fill that negative space.

They're gonna be bffs for sure. lol




Poor Mitsuki. Again, if Shotaro hooks up with Dick, I hope he makes Dick get in touch with his inner bottom. He strikes me as a top that's long overdue of getting that hole torn open. So, is Mitsuki gay and originally married to a woman, bisexual or pan?


I just fell out of my chair when I read cum gutters!!! OMG. That's so funny!!! You do an amazing job!!! Fucking awesome work!!


Cheeky !!


Manifesting Shotaro innocently triggering a drawing class orgy.


The amount that Mitsuki needs to let loose and just start breeding all the sons in town is too damn high


Mitsuteru (not Mitsuki, tho Mitsky could be a nickname) is divorced (amicable and still on friendly terms). And yep, he's gay, though Mits thought he was bisexual before.


I need to move to this town, ASAP.


Cum gutters is definitely what they should be called by everyone everywhere😃!