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The O'Toole twins, Mickey and Bodie, are generally known in school for being quite competitive. Each strives to be the twin who's first or better at something, be it in swimming, getting academic honors, and even down to doing their house chores, much to their parents' delight. But the biggest prize in their eyes is getting the love and approval of their dad and hero, Peter. Not that its withheld, quite the opposite really, but just trying to get more of the father's attention than the other brother. The twins' rivalry, however intense, always remains friendly in nature, knowing one twin's triumph will always be shared with the other in the end.






Their body type/aesthetic is verrrry appealing. Hope you're feeling well after your vaccination! Take care of yourself! Excited to learn more about these boys.


Took me a second to realize why there was only one of them.


Because they're twins? Or is there something I'm missing?

Thomas Polk

I only see one. Is the other invisible??


I think the other one might be a ghost! 😱 Maybe it’s a spooky plot twist just in time for Halloween 🎃