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The Cacophony is the species of diplomats, negotiators, advocates, and petitioners. Talking is their weapon, and with their bright colors and energetic rhetoric, they are masters at capturing attention and being heard to drive a point across. And so, Ques, being from a family of Grey descent and dismissed as a bore early on with his slower and subdued manner of speaking, seemed to be destined to be lost in the background of The Cacophony's bureaucracy as most of his downtrodden grey kin were.

But confronted with the powerlessness of his supposed reality, Ques merely spat and judged it idiotic, like the lot of the grandstanding Speakers at the top. So instead of suffering the discrimination and lack of a path for true growth within his species, he left and spent his apprenticeship under one of the The Pilgrimage (Elephants).

Upon his return years later, Ques then proceeded to dominate debates and win countless petitions with his unique style of calm and hypnotic rhetoric. This eventually caught the attention of The Apex's (Lions) First Pride and was chosen to be their Speaker, which ultimately put him above everyone in his species, much to their chagrin and envy. But Ques knows the power he now wields is borrowed at best, and that he judged, will just not do.


I'll add in the write up about this OC later when I wake up, as brain functions are down. Haha



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