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Ever since he was a child, Sho has always been unabashedly direct, much to the chagrin of his father, Mits. It was never a combative directness, but rather an unmaliciously childlike honesty that is nonetheless aggressive in its purity. This combined with his unyielding denseness and ever positive naivety has led to many awkward moments suffered by Mits alone. Unafflicted by shame or shyness, it wasn't a surprise that he took to being an underwear and swimsuit model like a duck to water, something he already had some relative experience with since he frequently posed for his father's paintings and figure drawing classes.

But recently, Shotaro has been feeling stuck. Sure, he liked his career as a model, it felt right but not quite right, like how you can be on the right street but in front of the wrong house. And so the move to Dilfari felt like it came at the right time. Like a step forward. To what, Shotaro doesn't know yet, but he's more than happy to find out.


A previous poll voted to permanently replace 1 of the 2 character reference art for 1 comics strip of DILFTOWN. But I'm sore to sacrifice either one, so in line with the collage and full illustration route, we're dropping variants here as well so we can still have both humanoid and anthro ref art in addition to the regular 1 strip of DILFTOWN. X3




Holy FUCK!!! 🤩

Thomas Polk

Thank you! I really love your character art!


Yeah this dude is fucking hot and it's because of this I have no problem seeing more of your OCs each month. So, so good. Just out of curiosity, with the recent changes, what exactly are we in line to get each month? 1 comic strip, 1 character ref, variations? I'm kind of confused what to expect. No complaints. Just wondering.


Thanks! XD Anyway, for this tier its 1 humanoid oc, 1 anthro oc, and 1 DILFTOWN at the moment, since we're dropping variants like in the celshade collage and full illustration (the one with background) in the Collector tier, which are still currently on a trial basis with 4 characters in its character pool to see how workable it is. Anyway, working on the anthro oc now. X3


He is so delicious !!

Thomas Polk

What is DILFTOWN???