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Oh my god, I'm so happy this is done. TuT I've been feeling a really bad art block coming (I don't think its burn out yet) since December, which is also partly the reason why I paused my Patreon, as I knew chipping away at this would be a process. Note to self, maybe aim for something less daunting when doing full illustrations like I did in the past. But its Hades so I got over excited. Haha But yeah, drawing perspective is my bane. *sigh

Anyway, if Asterius x Zagreus won, it would have been Zag giving our bull here some Nectar, and Asterius would give him The Minotaur Milk keepsake. So, I guess, this is how that's made. XD

As I've mentioned before full illustrations with background could also be another format aside from character collages to replace variants. 




Glad you are ok now! Also... This is a gorgeous piece! 😍


So glad you are okay. Asterius? more like Assterius.


The most beautiful piece you have ever done. I know i already told you but the light effects and rich colors truly are the best part of it. Also thay hoooole *~*


I don't think I was a patron when you were doing these full pieces regularly. This is amazing and beautiful, but I can see how it'd be a hell of piece to finish. Take care of yourself. Get some rest. Refuel and recharge. Get some fresh air. Then come back to us when you're feeling good and ready to make us horny again.


Fack, I accidentally clicked the delete button instead of reply on Elio's comment. I'm a dumbass, but also why isn't there a prompt for deletion? Anyway, thank you, Elio! Hopefully it helped a few people discover new fandoms at least. X3


Thank you so much for adding the line art as well, you're the best!


Yeah, I noticed !! He he, no problem. I have used your artworks as refs quite often and I have taken a lot from your style of drawing !

Thomas Polk

Schizoid, I may be presumptuous here but your work is so fine and the detail so amazing that I think the work you put into it shows and is well worth it. Of course, this attention to perfection has driven great artists to madness so don't do that!