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Backgrounds will be sacrificed to +1 the Collector tier's character pool from 3 to 4. The poll managed to end with a vote difference of 10% - still quite close. And so the new possible iterations of the cel-shaded rewards on a set to set basis will be one of the following:

1) 4 solos (1-1-1-1)
2) 1 couple and 2 solos (2-1-1)
3) 2 couples (2-2)
4) 1 threesome and 1 solo (3-1)
5) 1 foursome (4)



I'm having trouble pinning down a subject matter to start this new batch of background-less cel-shades with the rewards patch mentioned in the current pinned post. So I'm doing a quick survey to percolate ideas on what kind of series you'd like to see - maybe even end up affirming some of the ideas I'm sort of leaning towards to already as well. I'm pasting the reward patch for the Collector tier bellow as well as the examples I gave in the post to give you some idea of the parameters for any suggestions you may leave in the comments or if you like any of the examples.

The Collector ($5) Patch 2.0:
- Rewards of this tier will now be more focused on creating more original illustrations that are still grounded in existing fandoms, or at least a spin (or reimagining) of existing characters
(ex. costume redesigns, crossovers, rule63/genderswap, Pokemon Trainer OCs, FF job class OCs, Wakfu races OCs, DnD races, MtG tokens, characters in contemporary himbo outfits lol, etc.)

- This tier will also focus on original one-off concepts that are not really based from any of my personal universes/stories and that further represents the name of the tier
(ex. monster boyfriends, wrestling outfits from different cultures, mythology, holiday gijinkas, the archetypal cliches like tarot and zodiacs, hot guys with cute pets and comfort food haha, etc.)

Thank you!



I hope you still do some rule 34 still too~ however, I wouldn’t mind seeing you pair some of your own Wakfu OC with some of the Wakfu characters we know and love hehe


I'll probably only do r34 here in tandem with a series concept. Like I have this idea of doing FF mage characters as teams in their specific magic color for example. (But that particular concept is gonna be SFW since more than half of the main mages are women. Haha)