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*Update* - Just to be clear, everybody knows what I mean when I say variants, right? Its the sfw, soft, and hard variations. Just making sure. So if you vote to sacrifice variants it'll only be nsfw with an additional 2 in the character pool. (I mean let's be honest, everyone's here for the smut. lol)

Choose your path...

Currently, the character pool is 3, with the following potential configurations on a set-to-set basis:
1) 3 solos [1-1-1]
2) 1 solo and 1 couple [1-2]
3) 1 threesome [3]

So you can imagine the configurations with a larger character pool.


Reviewing last year's rewards I realized the biggest cause of any delays was the back-to-back threesomes, especially separable threesomes. Which was my fault - I got overeager there. lol Two other variables that bogged down production are the variants and backgrounds, so something's gotta give.


The results will take effect starting on the next cycle after the upcoming one.



The variants are my fav parts tbh ; .; I hope they’re not sacrificed


Well, the votes are still quite close. There's still a chance. ^^; (But they really do slow down production a lot I observed.)

Joshua Harris

Well I voted to sacrifice variants, but I'd hate to deprive others from getting their jush from a clothed hot guy. Either way I'm happy to be apart of it all!


Voted to X backgrounds. I like the clothes you make them wear 🥺


I like the variants because sometimes the characters look more sexy with just a tiny little piece of clothes covering them (Im weird). But i also love the backgrounds you have made (and the dicks of course lol) and if sacrificing them will ease your workflow then Im ok with it :)


Well if variants are sacrificed the resulting nsfw is not gonna be totally nude tbh, I do like a bit of clothing left along with the dicks. Especially if its in the process of undressing. X3


This one was tough. I voted to sacrifice backgrounds, even though I really liked some of them. I just always found that the characters are what really held my attention. If there had been a third option to just keep things as they are now, I'm sure I would have voted for that, as I'm not unhappy with the current amount/configuration.


Well this was a dificult choice. I love your backgrounds. They're gorgeous. At the same time I really like seeing your variants as well. I especially like the way you draw both soft and hard dicks and I wouldn't want to lose those versions. I actually chose the option to lose the variants first. Also because it added one more character over losing backgrounds, but I changed my vote afterall, because ultimately I think I'd miss the variants more.