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I can only RePlay stuff on Steam for now. Let's start with some classics for the next stuff. Nope, no FFVII here.



XII all the way <3


As much as I would love to see more Vaan or even Zidane (cute, but can't stand him) from you. My heart will always go to FFVIII. Even if you chose not to draw Zell (but why would anyone chose that. :P), Squall and Irvine are still hot, hot, hot. Or even Laguna, Ward and Kiros. FFVIII just has so many hot guys. IMO the highest ratio of hot guys out of all the FFs.


excuse you. I think your forgetting the truest hot guy ever. I am of course talking about Meister Mika from FFX.


While I love X, XII and XV, I voted for IX because I need to know more of it. Edit: Crap. Totally overlooked Chrono Trigger.


always need more Squall and/or Irvine :D


God… this is reminiscent. FF Art is how I first found you on y!, and now I’m finally rich enough to throw money at you every month for you to do it again LOL


as messy as it was, I still miss y! gallery. ;-; RIP. Discovered so many artists for the first time there.