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Character Poll #56

  • Akeno Himejima - High School DxD 165
  • Mordred - Fate 128
  • Spider Gwen - Spiderverse 193
  • Aphrodite - Hades 80
  • Kat - Gravity Rush 75
  • Ouro Kronii - Hololive EN 273
  • Asuna - SAO 78
  • Starfire - Teen Titans 104
  • Albedo - Overlord 112
  • Power - CSM 77
  • Ty Lee - Avatar 144
  • Emilia - Re:Zero 70
  • Kafka - HSR 113
  • Roxy - Mushoku Tensei 281
  • 2023-07-26
  • —2023-08-07
  • 1893 votes
{'title': 'Character Poll #56', 'choices': [{'text': 'Akeno Himejima - High School DxD', 'votes': 165}, {'text': 'Mordred - Fate', 'votes': 128}, {'text': 'Spider Gwen - Spiderverse', 'votes': 193}, {'text': 'Aphrodite - Hades', 'votes': 80}, {'text': 'Kat - Gravity Rush', 'votes': 75}, {'text': 'Ouro Kronii - Hololive EN', 'votes': 273}, {'text': 'Asuna - SAO', 'votes': 78}, {'text': 'Starfire - Teen Titans', 'votes': 104}, {'text': 'Albedo - Overlord', 'votes': 112}, {'text': 'Power - CSM', 'votes': 77}, {'text': 'Ty Lee - Avatar', 'votes': 144}, {'text': 'Emilia - Re:Zero', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'Kafka - HSR', 'votes': 113}, {'text': 'Roxy - Mushoku Tensei', 'votes': 281}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 7, 16, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 26, 2, 41, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1893}


Plenty of great suggestions as usual! If your suggestion didn't make the list, feel free to suggest it again next time. Happy voting!



I don't care if Kat wins, I just need vtubers to lose


I really enjoy Neko's work, but I am going to be honest... If this trend of Hololive characters constantly winning and getting chosen continues, I may bow out. Neko is incredibly talented but at the end of the day, I am here for the rule 34. And what makes rule 34 fun is seeing characters you know in lewd format. I have zero interest in the hololive stuff, but it keeps dominating over characters that I would LOVE to see in Neko's style.


Let's go ROXY!


Man I got so excited seeing Kat on here. Gravity Rush 1 & 2 are some of my all time favorite games and I absolutely adore Kat. The fact there's so few fanart hurts and I know there's basically no chance of her winning this unfortunately.


Time titties

Luke Wilson

If kronii wins I hope Neko does Roxy anyway. I'm getting really tired of hololive always winning when there are so many good characters from so many good anime in the poll every month. Vote Roxy Migurdia to end hololive oppression!!!


Yeah ive been subbed for years but ngl seeing the potential winner of this month just after what won last month, coupled with how many of them there have been in recent past months too, that'll probably be it for me, at least for a while.


I think your Hololive content is amazing but I can see why non-hololive fans are getting frustrated. Maybe alternate months? One month, all Hololive picks, the next month, no Hololive picks?


Who is kronii lol?


praying for roxy to finally get some love


I honestly wish there was a down vote option.


Man, even every other month would be rough as hell. Imagine every other month being characters from one single franchise that you have zero interest in lol. ig it'd be better than back to back but yknow.


Hololive simps taking over :D


At this point I'm about to cancel my patreon for neko since this has become an exclusively vtuber patreon. I genuinely wish we could ban that shit it's so nonstop. And i and seemingly others too have zero interest in vtubers


Thanks she was my suggestion. Most of these are actually, but it fucking hurts that it seemingly doesnt matter in the end bc of one vtuber in the poll

aqua puppa

thought we were on the redemption arc with purah but its straight back to vtubers


Dude can we get ty lee for once. Its been vtubvers every time except for purah


Hope Roxy wins and not a Vtuber. Again.

uncle burn

Bro what are these vtubers man


Seeing people complain about the vtubers I decided to look at the past uploads and count how many animations have been vtubers. Since January 2022 there have been only 3 vtuber animations. Seeing this, I domt get the hatred for when there's a vtuber on the poll? Sure Kronii isn't my first pick but I dont mind either way. Perhaps someone else in the comments can explain to me why they hate the vtubers on the polls so much?


I am not a Vtuber hater, but I am also disappointed so maybe I could explain. My reason why I dislike even one Vtuber on the list or animation is that it's oversaturated and boring. Especially with the fact that lewd animation of artworks of Vtubers exist plentyful and just keep getting more. I mean I don't attack Neko or the voters it's her/his jobs and people decide whatever they like. I also don't support the hate I just understand why they're not particularly pleased by it.


I'm not a hater and I want genuinely just an explanation. Why do so many people want to see Hololive lewd? Doesn't it get stale after these few months? We have so many great characters from different and cool shows. Why then someone who uses a custom avatar? I'm genuinely confused.


Shylily January 2023, Ina February 2023, Kiara May 2023, Marine won the poll for July 2023 and now Kroni stands to win this poll. That would be 5 vtubers out of 9 animations if Kroni wins - and another vtuber back to back just like Jan/Feb. So like, yeah. If you're not into vtubers it's pretty exhausting. Imagine not being into or disliking Genshin but an artist you support on Patreon starts drawing Genshin every month or two.


Who tf is voting for that… albedo & akeno are there.. what the fuckkkkk 🙄


I mean at this rate you're just gonna keep losing to Hololive basically every month, but okay


Yeah I don't get it either. I support because I appreciate the art style & quality. The character, as long as they're good looking, is (almost) irrelevant.


In the end it’s porn for people to wank off to

aqua puppa

i dont even like roxy but its better than a vtuber lmao


It also gets into the parasocial relationship realm, since while it is anime it's also a real person to some extent, so it's anime artwork of a real life personality. So some find this off-putting.


Personally a fan of the vtuber content but I decided to vote for Roxy. Don't know the character and its not my personal preference, but I know there are plenty who want a change of pace. In the end, I'm just here to enjoy the high quality content.


I’m honestly confused. I remember a time when both Mordred and Ty Lee were coming in 2nd place back to back to back months in a row, sometimes losing by just 1 or 2 votes… and now it’s like no one wants to vote for them anymore and they’re dropping to the lower tiers…. What happened?


I recent finished the first season of Mushoku Tensei and out of respect for the Roxy bros I’m retracting my vote of Kronii so yall can hopefully win this month 🫡


Damn come August it'll be 4/8 of the past months being vtuber videos, huh. As a vtuber fan I'm kinda lucky but I get the frustration from others about the situation. Hopefully Roxy wins this one. It could be good to veto vtuber picks for a few months, but I also respect Neko trying to keep things as democratic as possible.


I don't hate the polls, and I did this same count initially. But as Flan has showed it is in recent months the ratio has been way off. coming Marine in August it'll be 50% vtuber videos in the past 8 months. I'm a fan but honestly it must suck for people who aren't into it.


Congrats on liking vtubers dude. No need to be so smug in people's faces about their dissatisfaction with it.


I believe in Roxy! She can beat Kronii, I'm sure!


It would probably be appropriate to block Vtubers from the next poll. Even as someone who enjoys them I can see a lot of people are getting frustrated with how often they are winning.