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  • Cut1_4K.mp4
  • Cut2_4K.mp4
  • Yor 4K_v2.mp4



Edit 01/06/22: Audio improvements.


Sorry for the delay!! My old tablet is now kaput (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




I like the animation, but something feels off compared to your last animations... (The face seems weird to me) Is there also a version where Yor is cloth-free? Also the voice is also kinda off the hook, last voices were pretty banger, but this one doesn't seem to have the punch in it... Don't take it too offensive though, it's still a well made animation and I will enjoy it!


Yeah like I mentioned in the main post the tablet issues really were messing with me quite a bit, the off-ness you are noticing might be due to that, though I tried working around it best I could. Issues should hopefully be gone once I get the new one. As for the VA, Saori Hayami is definitely not an easy one to mimic, though imo my VA did a pretty good job at least according to the reference I gave her. Also no clotheless version this time :p I'll bring back some more nudity in the next one.


Thank you for the quick answer! Yeah pretty unfortunate that your tablet died... hence I really like Yor, but that's fine. Looking forward to your next one ! :3