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  • Ranni2K.mp4




Hello everyone, here is this month's animation featuring Ranni from Elden Ring!

Wow, well first off I was definitely surprised by how popular this character has gotten, it seems like lately I've been seeing fanart of her everywhere. Granted, I'm not surprised considering how popular the game itself has gotten. I've slowly been making my way through it and while I'm pretty sure I'm still nowhere near the end, it was nice to get the opportunity to make an animation of one of the characters. At the moment I'm still not quite sure which character is my favorite. Ranni is definitely on my top 3, though I'd probably pick Melina if only the game would let me talk to her more than once a year.

In any case, I am still very fond of the design for both Ranni and her area and it was nice to return to a dark fantasy aesthetic. As for the animation itself, this one is probably one of my best in a while. The colors palette, composition, and lighting all came together really smoothly and in the end, I'm really happy with how it turned out. I feel like it really captures the dark, mysterious vibe of her tower and it was a joy to work on.

I hope you enjoy the animation, and as always thank you for your support!




Personally I’m a big fan of Millicent. It’s a shame she puts her hair up after helping her, she looked good with her raggity red hair.


HAAAA, you made Ranni too :D nice job!


yeah, I got the notification for your post just as I was finishing this XD