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 Many great suggestions again!  You can vote for multiple characters  as usual. If your character didn't  get selected this time, feel free to suggest  it again for the next poll.



I’m pretty sure Aqua was the most liked out of all the suggestions, is there a reason you deliberately don’t add her? Because I believe this has been done to many famous characters as well.


Ohh, Angelina. Yes pls.


hopefully Ann doesn't hook up with Ren. sounds weird but it just seems like hentai always has her hooked up with him


maybe they're gonna do aqua and this is for a runner up illustration? hmm


Hi, I apologise if I've made it seem like I deliberately excluded your suggestion from the poll. I try and include a diverse variety of characters in each poll both in terms of popularity and appearance, though with the amount of suggestions I receive I don't always remember what characters have appeared in the poll or have been suggested previously. I'll make a note to include Aqua in the next poll should you decide to suggest her for it again. Please understand that the only times I deliberately exclude a character from a poll is if they have won in the past, which I believe has been the case with a few popular characters already.


I can understand why, he is the protagonist after all. There doesn't seem to be any other character to pair with her that would make sense canonically as far as I'm aware.


for sure. i just think there's also merit to have faceless characters once in a while! easier for people to self insert lmao


Yeah, true :D I tend to save the faceless protag card for when there's no clear canon pairing or when there is and I just don't like it.


fair enough! that's probably the reason i don't like ren, mostly due to the overexposure of him everywhere lol regardless of who's featured your art is always phenomenal. looking forward to who's gonna win this poll


oh yeah, I'd love an animation of Samus getting DPed.


Well, looks like Ann rallied in the final hours and won.