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AN: Since my brain is an ADHD ridden muppet with the attention span of an amnesic goldfish at times, you should be aware that this snippet will probably not be continued, and I’m not even sure where it’d go if it did.

It was strange, Silco mused, as he stared down the mass of flesh before him. Well, calling it a ‘mass of flesh’ might be misleading, but it was fitting. In most other circumstances, he wouldn’t still be here, within spitting distance of a monstrosity that resembled nothing less than a patchwork of dozens of creatures that outmassed him twenty times over, at least. But the thing had Jinx, the girl that reminded him so much of himself in his younger years, and so perfectly encapsulated Zaun itself.

Sil… co…

That was another reason: somehow, this thing with parts of dogs, bears, sharks, lizards, and countless other predators, communicated through thought. It clearly possessed a measure of intelligence, the question was how much?

“Who are you?” Silco asked, holding a hand out to keep any of his more trigger-happy men from firing.

Who… don’t… know… name… lost… mind… fract… ured…

Given the state of the thing’s body, Silco wasn’t surprised. A glance down at Jinx showed her still asleep, despite the thing curled around her. Returning his focus to the creature, Silco moved onto his next question, “What do you want with Jinx?”

Powder… Jinx… friend… first… hear… me… pro… tect… care… empower…

“She was the first one you could communicate with, so you consider her a friend?” he clarified.

Yes… offer… for… Sil… co…

Silco raised an eyebrow. Curious, if this thing could find its way here, in the depths of Silco’s home without triggering any alarms or alerting any guards, Silco would be interested in at least hearing it out, “I am listening.”

Jinx… friend… Sil… co… not… separate… use… me… Shimmer… experiments…

Well now, that was interesting. Silco leaned forward, his interest piqued. He had known that there had to be more to the girl than met the eye, but he had never imagined that she would attract the attention of something like this.

“What do you propose? Specifically, I mean,” he asked, thoroughly intrigued.

Conscious… aware… control… body… changes… reversed… study… Shimmer… take… Shimmer… report… changes…

“You are aware of changes made to your body, and can reverse them? Interesting, interesting,” Silco mused to himself. To say nothing of the benefits of a repeatable test subject for Shimmer, that could remove the changes wrought by poor doses of it. “I accept.”


In hindsight, accepting a job offer from a company that includes devils, faerie courts, and unpronounceable horrors probably wasn’t the best idea I’d had. But, I was kinda short on options, when despite desperately needing employees no one would hire me. So I took the first offer that accepted my application.

What being called a “perfect applicant” said about me, I didn’t want to think about, but it didn’t change the fact that I was here, in this world with bullshit magitech, magic, a people who could kill gods by punching them really hard. Silver lining: I was now one of those unpronounceable horrors and I’d spent part of my hiring bonus on making me a cultivator like I was from xianxia land!

Despite the initial fear and confusion, I had adapted to my new life. I was assigned to be part of the company’s research department, more specifically, study how Shimmer interacted with eldritch flesh. It was either this or be sent to Pandora to either turn the entire moon into either a Scourge strewn wasteland or a new phyrexian world.

Instead, I accepted the Runeterra job that involved being a living petri dish. Which turned me into a mix-mash of different animal parts. I was limited to minor telepathic communication, and trying to pull my mass in on itself, to attempt to take a human guise, was like both trying to bench half again my normal max while holding a tense muscle and my breath.

So, I stopped trying, for now. After all, a human form wasn’t necessary for the job I’d been given. Plus, Powd… Jinx was a cute kid. More than that, she was worth a nice chunk of company credits whenever I got around to actually binding her. I’d told SIlco a minor lie, specifically about her being my first friend and the state of my mind. I was more or less in the very state I’d described when I first met the blue haired tyke, but I’d managed to recover by the time I dragged my bulk through the pipes of Zaun and found the place that he’d given to Jinx for her lab.

Jinx was a fascinating subject, and I had grown attached to her. She was brilliant, and her mind was always whirring with new ideas. I had never met someone quite like her, and I knew that she would go far in this world. Her key issue was that while she was able to make massive leaps, understanding principles on an instinctive level, she typically wasn’t able to stop herself from making the next leap before she’d given her landing a chance to stabilize. I’d been working with her, getting her to slow down and explain each step to me as she went.

I understood none of it, since I hadn’t had the budget for Science Talent. But it helped her, and her voice was nice. Cute too. I just wish my change hadn’t had the effect it did on my libido. Being turned into a mass of tentacles and animal genitalia made you crazy horny, who’da thunk it?

Which led to now, Jinx naked within my center mass, my tentacles holding her like a slick bed, with one of my tentacles ending in the flared head of a horse cock in her mouth as her tiny hands stroked two more dick tentacles and a pair of tongues licked and teased her loli nipples.

I was gonna bind this girl and I was going to make it last, like a proper lover would. The first orgasm wouldn't be hers, but mine. I wanted to feel my own cum splashing inside her, to fill her tiny body with my essence, to coat her insides with my seed and to fertilize her with my progeny. She was just so damn cute! I knew that I should have waited a little longer to take her, but she was so fucking hot, with her just beginning to grow tits and that slim, athletic body.

Fuck, I wanted to fuck her so badly. My thoughts had strayed down this path for a while now. I couldn't help myself. I was gonna take her, and I was gonna take her now! I flexed my tentacle inside her mouth, causing her to choke on the spunk-slick appendage. A moment later, the suction on my cock stopped and my tentacle retreated back to my center mass. Jinx looked up at me, her mouth covered in cum.

“Fuzzbun?” she asked, even as her hands came up and started funneling my cum into her mouth. All my myriad of dicks twitched at the sight, and I nearly missed her followup question, “Is everything okay?”

I sent my thoughts her way, telling her telepathically that everything was fine, she did wonderfully. But there was something else I wanted to try with her.

Her face brightened, even as she swallowed the last of my cum, “Okay! If it’s half as fun as having me suck your thingy, then I’m sure it’ll be great!”

I chuckled in the privacy of my mind, even as several tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs, lifting her into the air while others supported her back. I’m a tentacle monster now, there’s one thing I do with women and girls. I fuck them.

I had to bend my mass down so she could get into the position I wanted, but once I had her hovering over the twin rows of dicks that made up my loin, I began lowering her. Jinx's eyes went wide, and she started wiggling in my grasp, clearly not as into it as she had been before. I suppose that most women didn't want a half ton of tentacle flesh on their person, but I'm not at a point where I could stop anymore, even if I wanted to. I was going to give her the fucking of her life, and then I was going to use my Shroud to bind her.

I could tell the exact moment that my tip found her entrance. Her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes rolled back in her head. I stopped lowering her at that moment, letting her hover over my dicks as the tentacles around her arms and legs relaxed, giving her room to move if she wished. But I still pushed her body down, sliding up into her barely pubescent, loli pussy.

I was only able to get an inch or so of my cock into her before she clenched down on me, trapping it inside her. Jinx squeaked, then smiled at me, her body relaxing, as her inner walls loosened. I flexed my muscles, shoving more of my cock into her and causing her to moan in pleasure. I wanted to pound her, to fuck her like there was no tomorrow, but I held myself back. I had to make this good for her, and I wanted to experience all of her before I used my Shroud to bind her to me.

Much as my instincts screamed at me to slip a tentacle into her ass, and another into her mouth, to fill every hole she had and fuck her until her mind shattered, I restrained myself. Limiting myself to just her pussy. I could feel her walls clutching and massaging my cock, and I began thrusting gently into her.

"Ooooh," she moaned, her eyes closed, as I began thrusting into her. I made sure not to hit her cervix, I was afraid of popping her cherry before she was ready for it. "Your thingy feels good, Fuzz."

Her voice was cute and breathy, and I just knew I was doing a good job by the way she moaned out her pleasure. Her juices were coating my cock, and I could feel myself getting close.

I'm going to fill you, Jinx, I sent to her, even as my thrusts sped up, and I could feel my tentacles holding her up shaking from the force of my pounding.

"You're gonna what? Fuzz? You mean your spooge? It feels so good in my mouth," Jinx said, her voice high pitched and slurry as she seemed to be lost to the pleasure I was giving her. Her muscles clenched around me, squishing my cock in a vise-grip, and I came. I came harder than I'd ever come before, filling her womb with my seed.

My cum was more powerful than any man's, and there was a lot more of it. Jinx's stomach swelled up, as if she were carrying a basketball inside her. I filled her womb with so much cum that it spilled out of her, running down her legs, before my thrusts slowed, and I released her, my tentacle slipping from her tight little cunt.

She dropped back onto the tentacles supporting her. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed to be out cold, but a second later her eyes shot open, her gaze locking onto mine, and her body trembled with another orgasm. She convulsed, moaning out her pleasure as her body was wracked with wave after wave of orgasm.

"Aaaah, Fuzz! You made me cum again! Oh fuck, I'm cumming so hard!" Jinx cried out, as her orgasm crashed into her.

I chuckled inside my mind, even as I sent one of the tongue tentacles down to her clit. She was such a delight, and I looked forward to Sevika recovering enough that I could just straight up bind her, instead of this little game I’d decided to take with Jinx.


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