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Armor (light, medium, or heavy), uncommon

While wearing the armor, you are immune to the faerie fire spell, and other creatures have disadvantage on any check made to discern a disguise you're wearing, such as by a mundane disguise or the disguise self spell.

If you are a fey or have the Fey Ancestry trait, you can use an action to cast the disguise self spell from the armor while wearing it (save DC 13). The spell ends early if the armor is removed. Once this property of the armor has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Perhaps the greatest irony I've found in dealing with fey is subtlety. They'll parade in gaudy armor, sure, such that even the barest hint of nuance seems a true exploration of their hidden depths. And most assume that's all there is, that the flair and flash is the fey.

So when they veil that gaudiness, it's little wonder their deceit is equally concealed. Only too late do many realize the concealed and unfathomable depth of the undying fey's nature.




Meh... very limited use. Hat of Disguise allows wearer to use Disguise Self at will, and this is only once per day. As for defense against Faerie Fire... useful, but very circumstantial. I can't remember the last time my players were ever targeted by that spell. I honestly can't see myself using this particular piece of equipment in my campaign.

John Doe

The neat part about this, to me, is the disadvantage to checks to perceive the disguise. It's actually a very helpful tool when trying to fool the magically observant. I would 100% take this item over Hat for certain infiltrations. Hat is certainly more useful for most situations, though. Good thing it's not attunement!

Ryan Rogers

Love that you used another variant of Warden's Armor style for the image. It's very popular in my campaign, and I'll most likely be combining these into a Fey Touched Warden's Armor. :-)