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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Amulet of Devotion  — A divine amulet that grants you and a nearby ally of your choice a bonus to AC. You can also spend hit dice to heal an ally nearby as well.

2)  Nauticus  — An elegant trident with a ruby set near its head and gold tinted tips. When thrown, it always returns back to your hand. You can expend the trident's charges to double its throwing range or make an attack against all creatures in a line.

3)  Navis Anima  — A sentient pedestal with a cloudy gemstone with a sunset hue. You can perform a ceremony to bind the pedestal to a vehicle. The anima can control the vehicle, move the vehicle slowly without a source of movement, and communicate telepathically with creatures in contact with the vehicle.

4)  Weapon of Warding  — Weapons crafted from steel, inlaid with ivory runes, and blessed with holy magic. You can slam the weapon to the ground to generate an aura of warding that's centered on you. The aura grants creatures of your choice temporary hit points and has three-quarters cover from ranged attacks for 1 minute.

5)  Scroll of Cute Wounds  — Originally a scroll  of cure wounds that was shredded and reassembled with crude heart drawing added. When you use this scroll, you can stabilize a dying creature. The target also regains 1 hit point every minute for 10 minutes.

6)  Resuscitation Slates  — A pair of green stones with a lightning bolt held in each. You can place the stones on the chest of a dying creature and speak the command word to heal them. The target also gains additional movement and other benefits until the start of their next turn.

7)  Painter's Flight  — A long white coat covered in patches of paint. While wearing it, you can paint with your hands, and can touch a flat surface to transform yourself into a painting on that surface. While in this form you can move along that surface and adjacent ones.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!


Ketsueki - Xavier

I feel like every week, it's the same thing. 4 overpowered choices and 3 interesting choices. And the overpowered choices win every time.What a waste.


We should vote for ideas, that will result in interesting art, rather than mechanics or power. (So many swords that look basically the same.) Also please, let's finally have Painter's Flight. I think I'm voting for it for the fifth time. 🙏


Fingers crossed for Amulet of Devotion and Weapon of Warding!


you could just make the items you're interested in yourself?


I feel the same way sometimes. What I would like is if once or twice each month there was a vote that consisted entirely of ideas that flew under the radar or have otherwise been in circulation for a long while. A runner-up vote if you will.


In terms of the "overpowered" comment, everything ultimately is balanced and run through me. If something seems strong in the comments, it's because it's probably set to Legendary or Very Rare. A reminder that if you want to help be in control of what shows up here, as well as put forward your own novel item ideas, join the Discord! That is where *all* of this happens before ending up here for the weekly vote. Regarding runner-up votes, that's a possibility! I've asked Patreon a number of times for a blind voting option because I think that that feature would fix a good number of these lopsided voting results. I think it stands to reason that there'd be less bandwagoning behind the popular choices if you can't see the results until the end. Until then, though, I'll take that suggestion to heart and see about it.


It's more the case of "+X AC" being mechanically very strong. It doesn't matter if you classify it as Very Rare to compensate for the bonus. I have recently filled my campaign with around 500 of your magic items and I am mostly interested in ones that have interesting mechanics instead of just a flat "Enemies will hit you less and you will hit them more" added to them. And Ketsueki - Xavier is right: Those items very frequently win the poll and it's unfortunately telling that those items are, once again, 2 out of the 3 leading choices. When I transferred those hundreds of magic items into my Roll20 campaign, at some point I started skipping the +AC or +THP or +1/2/3 items simply because there were so many of them that it became absolutely redundant. It doesn't take a creative or talented person to simply add that to an existing armor. Making the Icarus Armor into an Icarus Armor +2 takes like 5 seconds and accomplishes the same thing. I mean yes, sure, the Amulet of Devotion is more practical to most players. But almost anything can accomplish the same effect. I know that if it gets turned into an item, it's going to be one I am going to just skip again for my campaign - which is unfortunate. One solution could be to simply alternate between a poll that has mostly/only mechanically strong choices, and a poll that has mostly/only "interesting" choices. Because as we have seen from experience is that if you put mechanically strong and interesting options into the same poll, the former win out against the latter most of the time.