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Manami assisted in the development of Stud Girls’ body-specialized fighters. When Andi goes out on missions with Nova and Zama, they can exert their maximum combat power.

Although Zama is a medical officer, she can also work as a tank, Nova is a fighter, and Andi can serve as an Attack Damage shooter.

A special pipeline connects Andi's body with the grenade launcher. When Andi turns on the harmful mode, the body's hormones will be able to produce nerve gas or carry out hormonal attacks.

In addition to increasing the pain and weakening of the enemy, it can also be used as a combat stimulant for Zama and Nova.

After Andi pulls out the grenade launcher, his body will often fall into the state of excitement after the battle. At this time, a lot of ejaculation must be performed to relieve it. The same situation will happen to Nova and Zama, both of which are military Stud girls.




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