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Afternoon everyone. I have a decision to make. Since I'm not around to manage a discord, I'll be making member chats. This will help for having a place with others to mingle and maybe help each other out while I'm away.
Would you all prefer paid member chats separately from public member chats?
This will help control trolls, harassment, i can talk about feedback, upcoming mod ideas if anyone has any..things like that. This is a paid member question so please let me know



a chatroom would be nice


I think it would be a good idea to have a separate chat for paid members and Public chats. I also think a paid chat is better since it would keep as you said trolls and harassment at a near minimum since sometimes, it can hide the important comments or notes even questions. I like the idea of being able to give feedback or talk about upcoming mods. The chat would make it so much easier.