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nobody has any idea how glad I am about this, finally after taking out all of my mods, and testing over 60 times constantly failing and so many versions I've made that didn't work in cas, and edits to the shape...it finally works in game the way I want it.

  • the only issue is I have to now go back in and make sure the dress ability is more smoother, & the hormonal fat is shaped how I want, this was a draft edit just to test out. I want to test if this will work on male sims I know alot of guys want this in game lol and I want big men too, but the frames is what I'm testing with right now. I do want to put out quality work as a first release more now. I've learned alot during this process and I don't wanna be lazy with my work (well what I think is lazy) by not making it as close to my vision as possible. so here is what's going on:

it is NOT a default replacement but has all the default morphs. weird code I tinkered with, this also should work on pregnant sims because of that..hopefully. this also means it does NOT change your sim automatically in cas..another goal I wanted to reach.

the slider works from left to right in the belly area , one side is a different shape and the other side is also a different shape and size. this keeps me from making 2 sliders to have in game you can use one and both sizes or only one size if you choose. that was my main goal. I'll explain in detail on the download post

I got rid of that ugly underside so now it should sit nicely on the hips and thighs especially if you use my leg & butt sliders. as well as fixed the sides to be smoother too

I've also made it so the dresses lift a little bit based on how big you set your sim's belly, separate for each size. so each one affects clothing in its own way. small detail but some will notice. this was something I wanted to test and see how it would work since I'm new to it, I didn't make it too loose

I might make a looser flowy dress version to show the dress lifting on the belly more if anyone wants that, it can be done.

this took long nights and days staying up late losing sleep being upset about it not working & breaking my game & being stressed out about my life I think this is good. ALSO I don't think I'll focus on making my mods compatible with other cas mods as much since I notice nobody gives me that same courtesy. it takes me awhile to plan out my mods while trying to consider so many others & it delays alot of time for me doing that so if all of mine work in game that's what we will go with from now on. If incompatibility comes about I'll try to address it with alternative controls at a later time but initially I won't. too much for me

I'll be making previews and releasing this in about 1 day / 24 hrs. I gotta add my mods back in after my final edit,test, take screenshots. I can't wait for everyone to make proper juicy sims. thank you all for being so patient with me I do appreciate everyone who has stayed with me all this time <3



this is awesome! now we need is a lip slider and we will have a complete yokozii set!