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-------------- 🌿 changes and additions 🌿-----------------

I've work alot on this! added more visual effects & insects/common + rare bugs to the entire forest from GP1 so you can actually collect insects and use them for your ingredients. I updated some of the previous Forager Grounds posts with CC harvestables. That way everyone can go ahead and download things they will need for this once it's finished. it's about 65% done. I'll be updating previous WIP posts with links randomly in case you get notified that will be the reason why

I forgot to update when I was looking to add them for this small basket area that has harvestables that can't be planted and some random ones from the entire grounds just to showcase. I'll get some sims to leave baskets around for you.

this took about 2 hours ..I love T.O.O.L mod to form these baskets 

πŸ”chickens -- the wild chickens have moved in! lets hope they get along with everyone..you can rename them all if you like.. I didn't add any cc chickens but gold and evil ones are here ..there are chicken treats available if you didn't bring any

I planted mostly trees around the coops to blend them in. the first maple tree is almost grown so I can test which trees work best around them. 

hens on this hill don't roam far idk why but I haven't seen them out much even though i put them on the lot first

noticed the chickens starving and wanting to venture out in the forest, i upgraded the coops for self feeding and cleanliness because i didn't want them all to disappear but I made sure they can at least roam and graze as you forage, you can still interact with them. chickens who are  hungry will steal food from other coops if you put feed on the ground they all will rush and sprint towards you like raptors

ALSO TOO MANY CHICKENS ON THE LOT CAUSE SEVERE LAG ISSUES I deleted a few of them. I got too hasty, and things are normal now

this is Goldie my favorite girl, she's in charge of the garden keep of the North. she's nice you'll like her

also evil chickens chase off grim reaper + soul reapers so if your sim dies grim will be stuck between being chased away and trying to reap souls because these chickens *might get in the way* so don't die from freezing , not eating, tense, or die if you don't have a familiar or potion ...it gets annoying (#2 why I decreased chicken count)

* after waiting 12hrs for grim to collect, genesis stop crying and went to sleep*

------------------🌱  new areas & updated areas 🌱 --------------

Underpath : the long stretch of falling tree bridge area that is between Swamp Nest and sprig meadow and north of the Giant Trunk entrance..it has alot of vegetation here, like grapes and is also the other side of Hills which you can climb and forage more. the rabbits travel through here sometimes.

I tried to add platforms to see if that would help sims move to these areas but you can't add terrain unless it's OUTSIDE ON GROUND to them so it's a waste to me plus I don't want brick floors or planters. I'll figure out how to get them to navigate the hills naturally

Also I'm only adding forage grass apart of the gameplay for this build. sad part it's NOT walk through. so I have to move them around to not cause walking issues for sims but also add walk through grass to fill gaps, because sims will walk THE WHOLE LOT just to route next to them and I'm trying to fix that

Giant Trunk - one of the entrances , you can't miss it. I wanted sims to be able to wade here to enter

alot of the open area on top the hill near the trunk wasn't able to be reached, so I've  changed it up a bit and moved some bird homes around and tried to level out the area at least to be able to walk through and harvest. it's so much routing work I need to do overall 

I fixed some of the hill top area around the trunk at least to route better to plant bigger trees and plants. You can see how high she is compared to below. I noticed I can't plant 4 tile trees though which is terrible as I probably should have planted those first. alot of these harvestables aren't in debut as full grown so they have to be done by hand, just takes more time

The Fork - a 3 point area from bog creek to the hallow and Birch Bridge just on the edge of Fairy campsite ..it's just an area for separation of the others. one of the entrances is here..oh and an active geyser . so yes there is a water source in the forest. It's really pretty since it has angles from all those areas especially at night. sims have planted random plants that had their fruit fallen & I just left them there (I took these with reshade)

yeah everything is out of season LOL it's all fuming and rotting and i dont want sims to pick them up and trash them so I don't have trash cans on the lot plus and dead salvaged plants can be composted as fertilizer for other plants, if you don't have high garden skill that is..thats why I didn't add one. for plants in season this will be fully lush and green. it's wild because I think Genesis is rotting the plants as she plants them because she is half ghost , she can decay them if she is sad or angry and I've caught her trying to do that ALOT OF TIMES EVEN AT HOME! so I might send her home soon she is getting her logic up by researching plants though which will be good for her botany class--i digress

the geyser at the fork sims play shower and stuff in, really useful if stressed or camping out here

The Fork CC - geyser | glowy deco shrooms | fairy deco | deco roses | sticky rice | blueberry 

Birch Bridge, I finally found a way to make it walkable at least so you can get to the main side of the hills from Wisteria Pass, since it's no other way to get through there unless you climb over the hills.. I tried it with stairs it was a no go but I did figure it out..teleporters! i have to replan the routes because sims i used to build this lot were vampires and can get to these places so thats why i wasnt worried about getting around i thought sims would just walk up and up until they couldnt i didnt think it would be a route fail on terrain just because its high thats so dumb to me so im working on the woodland hills

i added teleporters on both sides to we will see if they will use them along with the bridge as they walk through, so far no npc sims are coming in because i got the entrance blocked while building

Swamp Nest is no longer 100s feet deep..there might be other plans for the land below later, now reptiles are living there. turtles, frogs, gators..

I added some fishing spots for more variety & shrunk them down to a reasonable size

Swamp Nest CC: (download them you will need them for this build )

lily pads + frog | log + turtle | plants | swamp tree | natural hive | water texture | pond animal vfx : croc | sulani butterflies

The Hallow - this area is better seen with no fade on objects mod. I'm having the hardest time planting things here with the space being so tiny, changed the hills around. i really like the oranges and reds here 

I moved all the wheat to this area I like the idea of wheat fields here instead of in the fork, the flame fruit looks good at night here too.. I plan to fill out the grass once everything is planted . alot of sims get really freaked out here *paranormal SP*

The Hallow CC: (download them you will need them for this build )

bandit tent | large trunk | cage | graveyard mod | pomegranate | field corn | tombstone crows | spiderwebs | wheat

🌳 wood collecting: the mods I've added to the build allow you to harvest wood and sticks from trees for crafting and things I tried to add as many tree based plants as possible..so there is now a wood storage at the fairy campsite. sims might try to store random things in there, they're constantly taking my picnic books so check this for lost-N-Found items. KingZace's Maple Trees & Oak trees allow you to chop wood and collect wood + maple syrup from to craft with but you will have to plant more trees to get more. Brazenlotus's wood collecting mod also allows you to collect wood and not chop down trees to craft with. I've added both

CC for wood collecting:  wood storage

i added all the wild game to the forest but idk if I'll keep it since..they just kinda lay there lol! you'll have to use the deep forest rabbit hole hunting to collect them which are placed all over the grounds. EDIT: I removed these they're useless and cause routing issues you can still hunt for them with the ye olde hunting signs]

I did not add regular cowplants, flavored cowplants or dairy cowplants. sims constantly went to eat cake and this is meant to be leisurely not life threatening. but there are berries around for the 3 types if you want to collect or plant them give it a go. but do so at your own risk

added places for cats and dogs to dig around in case you bring them to run around ..the build is labeled as a park

Wisteria Pass - moved some of the plants and organized some things to clear the pathway to birch bridge and bog creek. it's supposed to be an entrance to the woodland hills but that way was really blocked while i was working on other areas

I added fairy rings for any fairies who need to practice flying with Fairies vs Witches mod. 

the Magical Picnic aka meditation area, i guarantee all sims will try to drink the specter sip juice LOL thats all they did I kept having to hide it or perch it somewhere..like I want it there on the altar just not for them to get to it. i think it fills all needs or changes mood or something idk but i need it in this area. i just need to use tool to lift everything and to also move everything so sims can reach it but also not be bothered by the terrain..because this SUCKS so bad that they can't reach it and use it because of the clutterrrrr. I also need to change the area so sims can reach it to meditate but not mess with anything. they STILL steal the crystals & books and things on the display too, I'm gonna add a different display and test to see if they can bother it

I realized nobody bothered the guitar much unless directed which is good, I keep putting books and things in the way to see if that helps since it's no bookshelves on the lot. I will hide a shelf with extra scepter sips for replacement. I like how I put together this basket of florals , magical wands and books , it's my favorite, also the phone on the rack is the real sim phone. it will look however your phone is in game

added a jar for all the fairy tips and coins the fairy left behind at their campsite. this kid better not have sticky fingers like pink boots

some random screenshots I took after I cleaned up the pass a bit

This area near the bee hive is very congested I moved it so you can walk also added a stairway to go up to the woodland hills. I also removed the specters they only fly around for a short while and leave permanently. So adding the spirits only was a good idea plus more immersive

I added almost every type of fishing spot so everything is random based on your bait and fishing skill

the rabbits are definitely eating good..I hope not any of my plants though. 🍲

Meadow Sprig : 

I'm adding small plants to areas that sims can't CLIMB since we can't place ladders anywhere unless it's a 2nd floor i hate that so much, so I'm adding stairs and plants where they lead to, you'll see them around

I moved some of  the bird homes and lowered the terrain just slightly so sims can at least walk through the flowers and the gate without issues. we got alot of these planted today. I'm planning around trees that are fade objects but also if you play with no-fade mod this should work for you too. it would look weird if i added tree objects since no-fade isn't a common way to play

angelica root is probably one of my favorite aesthetically pleasing harvestables on the lot..besides honeydew, turnips , rice and pumpkins because of the pretty foliage which is one thing I love from kingZace's harvestables and the flowers it has that look of deco flowers with the different stalks ..I'm waiting to see how the lilly of the valley looks once they grow

I also added alot of birds to the forest grounds you will see them flying and perching at random places, also if you use the BIRD LIFE mod you can go birdwatching and  more will appear. it's really relaxing for sims

Sprig Log: (name might change) added more deco inside I removed some of the clutter and planted some trees on the outside. I will be adding invisible fences to keep sims from walking around it and GO THROUGH IT to the other side otherwise they will be walking around the whole lot which isn't ideal & breaks immersion 

----------------------  planting and watering -----------------------

again i started this lot in fall season and alot of the plants are spring summer and started rotting since they weren't cared for so we got the weather machine to make it rain to basically bring everything to life as they planted, it was a cold raining night that led into rainy morning but it's the refresh it needed. rain water not only boosts quality it recovers any dying plants that you can't fertilize, i wish we could bottle it or use rain water as watering water without having plant skill..the plants still went back to dormant and only a few went to stink since they were out of season after it went cold when the rain stopped since it's outdoors but at least most of them watered after being planted. the quality did increase on most of them which was the goal. they will all be healthy by the time I release the build. I let the girls rest since they had a long 3 days of working on the grounds

🌿 CUSTOM CONTENT & HARVESTABLES ADDED 🌿: (download them you will need them for this build )

| flamefruit | rosemary | pumpkin | apricot | anise | beet | gillyweed | aloe vera | zucchini | summer squash | bleeding hearts  | sunflower | wheat | rice | pine cone | forgeable rocks + water weed + grass | walkthrough grass | water reeds + ducks | swamp jungle roots | skulls | mushrooms : amanita - sky blue - truffle - stropharia | 4 leaf clovers | lilly of the valley | hyacinths | insect + ghost+ rock spawners | grass chicken coop | 10+ rabbit home | sweet mint | sesame | natural water overlay | angelica | cloves | honeydew | watermelon | wormwood | gurdyroot | pet bed | purple carrot 

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