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I've been testing this mod all week. each day. and it is just not working in game..I don't know what to do. I've remade it 7x !! tested it with multiple cas slider mods, different control settings, to see what is conflicting and I can't get it to work. I was hoping to release it this weekend but we will see. I'm gonna keep trying I'm just lost at what to try next regarding the hyperbelly slider. the only 1 that works is the super large one that is a default-replacement meaning all sims belly's in your save will start with it active...which is not good.

*for the first time ever I'll let you all test a few of the versions I've made that WOULD HOPE WORK FOR YOU to see if it could just be my problem they're not working, or everyone's. downloads are below. disclaimer: no sharing outside patreon. do not use my mods for your base to make yours etc etc.  please leave feedback on your experience!* 

this is just super frustrating to deal with slider creating right now as I feel like I've wasted alot of time working on this just for it to not work and I need a mental break.

In other news testing presets works fine, I have a few of those in the works..and I've updated sims4studio the latest update lets me use the latest version of blender, everything feels fresh and new, and I really want to play around with that.

I definitely want to get some of my other CC out in between body mods , so stay tuned ..and as always thank you for supporting me and being so patient with me I really am grateful everyone ! - Ÿ



also I wanted to know if anyone uses this belly slider mod ? https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11754-kirax12-bigger-belly-slider/ I'll be more than happy to update it and post it on LL or here for you. I'll only leave it up until kirax12 doesn't want me to but I noticed it's been well over a year now and they probably aren't around anymore to do so. I could even make it compatible with mine, just in case anyone wants to stack sliders


hey i got my game to work by removing my script mods and then placing them back in 1 by 1 and running the game till i found out what mod was braking it


The game works fine it's just cas sliders I use quite alot and sorting them and then testing my mods with them when loading my game with over 120gb takes hours .. it's kept me from posting my next update plus it could be the settings I'm using or controls. That's why I left it up to you all to test which one works for you if any at all. I could be mistaken


anyone who has tested these mods on this post please comment which ones work for you and which ones did not. I want to make sure I get everyone's input before I start making changes !