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I don't know why this is a thing with sims 4 players / community blog people.. the WCIF unfriendly / no WCIF topic.

I saw a post a post on my tumblr dashboard where someone sent a WCIF (where can I find) for a hair to someone's tumblr who is I'd say mildly known in their area of sims posts and the person replied with a LIE and said "I don't know, it's a conversion and I can't share."

My problem is. It 100% was NOT a conversion the creator is on simsresource and the hair was as a free as green grass outside to download to everyone. This is some extremely trash behavior. 1st off because WE ALL KNOW the witch hunt that content creators are under for conversions from other games and websites but yet you are enabling the justification of that harassment onto people at the cost of creators who make their own content for the sake of gatekeeping free cc in your screenshot posts?! 🤔

Why would you lie about that and just NOT answer the WCIF?? Simply do not respond! Are you that arrogant to reply and not only lie but to make it seem as if its helping anyone by saying things like this? imagine being that stupid about a WCIF!

If the request wasn't sent by an anonymous player I would have personally sent them the link. I often send people links to CC that is available they're looking for, mention they can't find or don't know if things exist... and answer WCIFs if sent in a message or so..no one really asks me on Tumblr often but it's not something to lie about in such a way to make creators look bad as of they steal and are talentless.

This bothered me because I am not that unreachable no matter how many people know of me. My content is known by people because of people. There are so many creators who make their own CC and being a sims player and discrediting them in such a way is disrespectful in a way especially if you have a following knowing how word spreads and how much gossip goes around about sims creators, its you who should be able to say yes this is made by a sims 4 creator to your followers. Its already heavy judgement and rumors that stealing is all sims creators do. There are so many talented content creators and even new ones that are doing amazing things in this lack luster game!! The sims community really pisses me off with this insane gross entitled behavior.

That being said, if anything I have on any of my sims feel free to ask me. I don't mind directing you where to find it, if it's paid content I'll tell you. I don't expect people to run from CC that requires $ when asked. If it's a personal edit or something I've drawn on I'll tell you.

It's a complex with sims players that I do not agree with knowing this game is not that great itself and how everyone is at a constant battle against MAXIS & EA about a broken game, the last thing we need is to fight each other about where to find CC to make the game enjoyable. It's like I said ages ago, there is no community in sims community.

Maybe I just need to stay off of tumblr sims community places. Maybe I AM in the wrong places to see all that crap

-end of rant-


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