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Hello, dear patreons.
As you've probably notice, Azur Lane has dominated the past months of polls for the Patreon requests.

And while I'm grateful some of you propose popular characters for it... because Azur Lane is the franchise you love the most according to the polls... it also leaves me a bit worried about the other suggestions for the polls.

the purpose of these requests is so upper tiers have a chance at proposing characters they really love and would rarely receive a drawing in their current times.

But at the same time I feel your love for Azur Lane, as I have left it behind due wanting to focus on my Genshin artworks.

So I've decided to ban Azur Lane, **** and **** from the Tier 6 requests for the next 2 months (or until new advice) . As to give chance for the poll to recover its meaning.

In the meantime, I will still deliver 1 Azur Lane Art per month, usually on the upper tier rewards, so it gets a spicy variant for you to enjoy.

***Regarding Genshin Impact also being banned on the polls, due being my main focus nowadays, it's redundant to have it on polls. If there's any popular Genshin thing, I'll most likely do it.





I for one appreciate the attempt for variety. Maybe we can see some FF XIV girls now 🙂


Thats a ok with me. Even tho I love your Azur Lane stuff, I dont mind seeing different stuff


Fair enough was starting to become an issue.