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Recently my art posts on many sites had pretty low reach. Maybe people are liking something new that I didn't know.
Arknight is quire interesting, should I quite Azur Lane and move to it?
I think AL just got overshadowed by Arknights because of the global launch.
But it should be back up once Polaris comes out. I'm looking for reach and hype, Arknight or any other upcoming new trendings is the one.  

People tend to love Arknight recently. The thing is not too many ppl know about my art :C even I did Focus AL Art for over a year ( I'm not talking about my beloved patrons because I knew you love my art ). But still, the low reach is not rare but a regular problem of mine. 

So I don't know that should I continue making AL art or making new trendings art instead, because I want to get more followers also patrons and more people know about my art.

So I'm asking you - my followers, please leave your comments and voting in here.



I like your work as an artist so continue what you feel is best; although I'd say more variety and experimenting with more options is the way to go so that you diversify your audience.


I thought the same, AL art sure is fine but focusing on it is kinda a problem for me. I want to get more followers but after a year making it, I think I have reached its peak and my reach is getting lower and lower recently. That's why I came to this poll. I also think variation art is better than focusing one .


I think people who play azur lane already know you for your drawings and there are already many FGO artists. I think it would be better to take advantage that arknights came out and continue drawing AL in the polaris event as you said.


I doubt your first part about that they know my art. They actually don't know about my art tho


A little bit of everything is best but I believe you should go for what's latest/trending. Although there are already a lot FGO artist, it's such a huge and popular title that lots of people will still search art for it. The game also has new events/characters almost every month so the content is fresh. Arknights is also a new game so people will definitely search art for it. I do like your AL art a lot so I hope you don't quit it entirely.


Don't quit making AL art entirely 😭. Arknights is great so it would be nice if you do make Arknight art


needs more variety, maybe from anime other games just needs more variety


dont stop making taihou art, we all love her :D besides that, you could make more art of character who get on trending, like sirius on this new lunar year :D


If you want your art to reach more people then you will have to draw art for other popular/trending games and/or anime. If all the art you draw is focused on one game then it will only really reach that one community. Another factor to consider is speed. As unfortunate as it is to say, the majority of people tend to focus on the next new thing. A new character comes out, a bunch of interest and artwork is made for that character, and then the interest tapers off when the next new character comes out.


Im planning to make new sirius r-18 art for upcoming content - will be available on patreon