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Hey there, it's been a while huh? Time to lay out the plans for the month and a couple of updates:

- This month Im working on a new victim char, her name is Kurenai and will do my best effort to have her available this month!

- There's another victim coming afterwards but I'll talk more about her once Kurenai is done.
- Aerith's AI is progressing nicely. I still have no concrete date on her release but her progress is steadily advancing so that's good.
- In regards to Android 18's video, well, I've realized it's a project that requires a lot more more time and attention from me than I anticipated. I have a good layout on how the skit is going to play but I've yet to sketch pictures for the scene.
It'll take more time than just a few months, I hope you understand >w<
- I've been working on a bit of a side work I've been inspired to do. Sometimes I'd like to work on chars that are not in MUGEN ya know? I had an itch to make sprites for Mayl.

Of course, I can't really make her into a character, that goes beyond my skill alone but I would like to give her animations just for a video showcase, what do ya think? :3

And that would be it for now! Thanks a lot for your support, both for my older and new supporters, I appreciate it a lot! ^_^b

See ya on the next update!



Can I get a Roll.exe porn video I bought 20 dollars for it and make sure Roll.exe has her pink tights on. It makes her more sexy that way and it would be great if you make Roll.exe do booty action since her booty is sexy to look at and sounds when she smacks her own butt thank you. I am a fan of your works keep up the good work hope we can become friends :)


Thank you!


I want Roll.exe In HD please!