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Eyy everyone, hope you guys are having a good time this month! :3

Well, as always I'll throw a plan for this month but it's no 100% guarantee that things will go as planned, last month was pretty unpredictable ^^''

But anyway, here's the plan.

- Working on a commission. This month's char is a super-heroine, probably the thiccest mamma I ever edited =A= b
- Last month's poll was about Android 18's special video and the special video won! It's kind of an ambitious project so I'll do my best!
- Err, kind of bad news about Aerith. Her code development is on a halt atm, there has been... disagreements so Im trying to finishing it on my own. She can go aggressor mode now but her animations are pretty rough. I'll try to polish that out but if you guys want, I could release a WIP version if you guys want .w.

Extra plan if I find some spare time:
- Add Full Nelson compatibility to victim chars. I don't have concrete chars in mind atm but I guess I'll go for what Im in the mood for lol.

Yep, that's it. Thank you all for your patronage and your following! See ya on the next update :3



Yes my Mugen cast is ready I would love to be your test subject


"Aw shit, here we go again" **MEME** Yes please release a WiP asap!